Thursday, February 28, 2013

Horse manure?

I guess I could start by explaining my nickname.  Being of the first video game generation, I needed to put something in the top scores area.  Many of the games I played allowed 8 characters.  I wanted to use my name but wanted something more.

 Back then the word "studly" was being used allot, and so I combined the two.  I knew nothing of what a true 'stud' was, but I thought being a stud meant someone cool, the age of innocents.  I did do allot of chasing and kissing of the girls, but I really had  no idea the actual definition of 'stud'.

Here my school picture shows evidence on my cheek of a love scratch  from Wendy Chambers, a girl I often pursued. I assure you it was not made out of anger, simply and accident of passion.

Not the only accident I had. Another time I remember chasing her through the high grass.  She darted right and as I went after her, I slipped in poo. 

In the beginning...

  I am not much of a writer, but I do have allot of tales.  Going through my Grandads memoirs has inspired me to share some thoughts and remembrances of my own.  My stories may not be one hundred percent accurate but they will be how I remember them.